Naushad Oomer

Director - Business Development, Hyperloop-One

L8's creativity and attention to detail truly elevated Hyperloop One's launch event in India. Their marketing collaterals and custom invitations were not only visually stunning, but also perfectly captured the essence of our brand. Thanks to their excellent work, the event was a huge success and left a lasting impression on all attendees. I would highly recommend L8 to anyone looking for top-notch design services."


Hyperloop One, also known as Virgin Hyperloop, represents a groundbreaking mode of transportation that promises to revolutionize the way we travel. Essentially, it's a high-speed, intercity transport system that propels passenger or cargo pods through low-pressure tubes at speeds that can exceed traditional rail or air travel. The core idea is to minimize friction and air resistance, allowing the pods to travel at incredibly high speeds, often compared to commercial airliners. This technology not only aims to drastically reduce travel times between major cities but also emphasizes efficiency and sustainability, potentially offering a greener alternative to current transportation methods.

The development of Hyperloop One has been marked by significant milestones and collaborations. Spearheaded by innovators and engineers, the project has undergone various feasibility studies, design iterations, and testing phases to ensure safety, reliability, and practicality. Its vision extends beyond just speed; it aims to create a seamless, comfortable, and accessible travel experience. The integration of cutting-edge technology, such as magnetic levitation and advanced propulsion systems, is central to achieving these goals. As of my last update, Hyperloop One continues to evolve, with ongoing research and development aimed at bringing this futuristic concept into reality.

Building upon the innovative strides of Hyperloop One, our involvement in the project, particularly during its South Asia launch, marked a significant contribution to its growing global presence. As the creative partners for Hyperloop One, we played a pivotal role in crafting and amplifying its brand narrative across multiple platforms. Our efforts spanned from designing compelling print materials to creating impactful event collaterals, each meticulously tailored to resonate with the project's futuristic and sustainable ethos. Additionally, our work extended to the digital realm, where we were instrumental in shaping and enhancing Hyperloop One's digital footprint, particularly through the development and refinement of their website. This digital platform not only served as a gateway for information and updates but also as an interactive space for engaging a wider audience, effectively communicating the vision and potential of this revolutionary mode of transportation. Our collaboration with Hyperloop One in these diverse creative domains underscored our commitment to elevating the project's outreach and connecting it with a broader, more diverse audience, thereby playing a crucial role in its journey towards transforming the future of travel.


0145 AFS

0144 Ozone

0143 Nilkamal

0142 Protean

0141 Diageo



0043 uber

0039 hyperloop one

0036 adidas

0113 solana

0075 sabyasachi



0122 varalife

0131 inveneos

0103 gameskraft

0393 simple electric

0388 aereo



0100 TYPO

0065 SErendipity

0066 old monk

0118 Hyphen

0015 Nom Nom



023 AI's Pas de Deux with Design

022 It's Never Too L8 to elate

021 The Linkedin Falacy Circus






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